We have choices

Note: I originally was writing this as a comment and realized it was involved enough to be a stand alone piece.

Something which separates us from the right wing, which does a fairly good job of clamping down on criticism of its own, especially in Vermont (can you imagine anyone here ever even daring to primary Douglas from the right?), where the tea party has little statewide power (the crazies couldn’t even successfully get rid of Kevin Mullin, and that’s in Rutland) we’ll be watchdogs for a Shumlin administration.  

I very much want Shumlin to win.  I’ve heard stories about him, some of which might be true, and some of which most definitely aren’t.  

I don’t care, because we’ve got a Vermont media which is already kind of hostile towards him and will be quite willing to go after him whenever he does something improper.

But more importantly, we’ve got us.  We’re the angry mob that’s going to push him hard to hold him to his promises and make him live up to the expectations he’s created, and we are not going to have any patience for him if he starts to waver.

The right won’t police their own, because first and foremost, they’re invested in power.  We’re not.  We’re invested in results and being relatively powerless ourselves, we’re invested in what happens to those on the low rungs of the social ladder.

So yes, there are people who talk (accurately or not) about Shumlin’s lack of ethics, but we’ve seen Dubie’s willingness to blatantly lie in the middle of debates in the full light of day.  I do not want to contemplate what will happen once he’s got the protection of the office of Governor and a full phalanx of communication people paid for by the state of Vermont.  

I know people who just don’t like either candidate and it depresses them.  Seriously?  Suck it up.  I supported Clinton, and he signed the freakin’ Defense of Marriage Act.  Politics isn’t pretty.  But it is important.  You don’t like either of them?  Grow up.  You don’t need to like them.  You just need to know who’s going to do the best good for your state, for your community.

I don’t care if he’s a panderer (and if he is, at least he panders to the right side: you wouldn’t get Dubie supporting same-sex marriage or the closing on schedule of VY, even to pander).  I don’t care if he’s “ethically challenged.”  (name me one single politician running for governor anywhere who isn’t).

If you take this seriously, and you’re left wing in any sense of the word, you know that’s not Dubie and you know it’s going to be him or Shumlin.  So yes, if we had IRV, you could do this differently.  But we don’t, at least not today, and we have an actual clear and simple choice to make: you can make a protest vote (or not vote at all).  That only serves to marginalize your interests further and leaves you with the functional result of being no different from having stayed home.

Or you can be an adult, support a candidate that not only has good ideas and has actually successfully gotten things done in Montpelier, even if there are things about him you seriously dislike, or you can (functionally or actually) just sit it out.

I’m voting on Tuesday.  I love early voting in principle, but for me, I have a kind of an undeservedly romantic notion about voting.  We almost always vote on election day, and kind of enjoy standing in line with people who are doing the same.  I’m not voting for the man I think would be the best possible Governor for Vermont.  I’m voting for the man who’s a hell of a lot better than the remaining options, because I’m old enough to see where things stand and know just how important this is.

How about you?

5 thoughts on “We have choices

  1. I wrote this in response to a Steele supporter who keeps expressing his views on Peter’ Face Book page:  

    “Everything has flaws. We are going the way which is least flawed, with the people who have been democratically elected. We cannot live in a vacuum, except in our own little worlds. Sure, we would all like to create our own reality and vision 100%, compromise and working together is a big part of being human.”

    I will add, unless we take something over with force and impart our will, AKA fascism, or domestic violence.  I will grant that, especially at the national level, corporations have had WAY too much influence on this election, and that tips the scales of balance and fairness.  Nobody ever said life was fair.  All we can do is control our own actions, and what we do.  This election for Governor is REALLY important.  Vermont is at  a crossroads.

    I have 3 kids under age 10, and if Dubie wins, their future is less bright here in the Green Mountain State. I agree with Julie, we can’t sit this one out.

  2. Thanks, Julie, for stating this so clearly!

    “I’m voting on Tuesday.  I love early voting in principle, but for me, I have a kind of an undeservedly romantic notion about voting.  We almost always vote on election day, and kind of enjoy standing in line with people who are doing the same.  I’m not voting for the man I think would be the best possible Governor for Vermont.  I’m voting for the man who’s a hell of a lot better than the remaining options, because I’m old enough to see where things stand and know just how important this is.”  

  3. This was not clarified as Mitchell hid in the safety of ‘we’. Though it personally had his name on it, ‘we’ would make it appear to be an editorial decision fom the editorial dept., of which the daily has @ least three, Mitchell, pres & publisher, Smathers, editor, Moats, ed. page editor, I am unsure if it includes the Argus as well or if it was in the Argus.

    If ed. dept not in agreement could always make it an op-ed piece, bold-framing it & strategically placing it in the middle of the page in everyone’s faces though I’m aawre this is not exactly a choice.

    Though he is a far cry & not the newsman nor the Herald the edgy bastion for truth & democracy, voice for the everyday VTer & against the far-rightwing his father was by any stretch, nor does he appear to be as politically involved. J. Van Hoesen (at VPR now I think, a shame, he is missed) & David Moats can be credited with primarily continuing to be the voice of their well reasoned stances. Newsroom & Sunday section D contributers astute & top-notch w/few blunders esp among their seasoned professional staff.

    As I remarked in another thread, the line of reasoning he chose is unsupported by the facts nor validated by anything which was stated as reasoning for the choice. Claiming ‘one party in control’ was thin, as no one knows how things will sugar out & this has been the case everywhere more often than not.

    I do not buy it.

    Also contradictory as Douglas & Dubie have made clear their extremist far-rightwing Ayn Rand brand of unmitigated greed which passes as ‘conservatism’. And, it is not ‘moderate’. ‘Principled’? Wrong ‘principles’, though I would guess Mitchell would certainly be in the class which these jackals would bestow upon VTs wealthiest 1% a tax cut, on the backs of the rest of the state most of who are far from wealthy.

    Douglas attempt to dump $40 million of general fund liabilities onto property taxes thereby forcing all VTers including small business, most of whom are already overburdened & many unemployed to take this hit, and approx same amount for cutting services for “the most vulnerable VTers”, as Dubies own Freudian slip revealed, further sticking it to lower middle class, working poor, children & elderly VTers. It is no less than cruel & unusual punishment.

    Since his bumper-sticker slogan promise of ‘Jim = Jobs’ turned out to be an empty campaign promise, it makes the aformentioned antic all the more revolting. Further adding insult to injury, he & Dubie have trashtalked VT by claiming it’s ‘bad for business’ as a guise for their abject failures..

    Finally, removing income sensitivity yet another hit, w/o making VTs aristocracy make the same sacrifices which would also be a tax increase or @ the very least simply not a tax cut, is sheerly elitist & glimpse into the dark Bush-style rightwingers they in fact are which makes editorial stance even more disturbing.

    Also, please remember, Dubie linked himself early in campaign w/Bush having a publicized & visible meeting w/him which was the whole purpose.  

    And, there are no ‘nuances’ in the stand for Entergy of which VY is merely another npp in their fleet. A vote for VY is a vote for Entergy & the pronuclear claque which is vast & now includes ‘Yes Vermont Yankee’ sanctioned McClaughry & Ethan Allen Institute sending fissionariers ‘educating & informing’ VTers around the state as to the wonders & of course *”safety”* of nuclear power.

    Since taking over the plant they have fought regulators, legislators & every thing else that stands in their way, every step of the way, managing to pit VT appointees & agencies against the legislature which speaks for & represents VTers I might add.

    Though the agencies are supposed to act upon the interests of VTers, they have not & will not w/o a complete change in administration & then complete purge & all vestiges removed from the state as aforementioned antics would continue if this is not done. No-nonsence Shumlin makes these necessities more likely to become a reality.  

    Entergy brassknuckled take-no-prisoners hardballing politics has now turned our state into a battleground. Have & still claim PSB does not have jurisdiction though supporters claim they want ‘legislature to do its job & allow PSB to decide the matter’.

    Really. They are doing just that. We are awaiting whether or not they will in fact revoke Entergy CPG.

    Which way is it folks? Apparantly, as a child who plays both ends aganst the middle against parents, this is the way supporters want it to be although we have laws on the books, agreed upon & signed by legislature & governor. They now wish to overide the aforementioned as well as will of the people??? And, if the decision not in their favor, yet still another decision by another entity will of course be the answer. Oh please. This saga needs to end. VT nor NE grid needs VY & over 2/3 of employees are not even VTers.

    Waffling on Dubies’ waffling, re Entergy was also flimsy & extremely lame.

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