Brian Dubie Entergy Nuclear Support – Stronger than Ever

The issue is not whether Brian Dubie can have his questions answered.

The issue is “Under what conditions will you, Brian Dubie, support reopening Entergy Nuclear when the old place offially expires in 2012?”

What do you need to know, Brian Dubie, right now and before November 2010 that will allow you to determine whether an old, broken and expired nuclear power plant should return to producing nuclear power after 2012?

The burden is not on you, Brian Dubie, to come up with a reason to NOT support Entergy Nuclear; the burden is on Entergy Nuclear to demonstrate to you, Brian Dubie, the reasons WHY TO SUPPORT, the restarting an expired nuclear power facility in 2012.

So, Brian Dubie, under what conditions — Under what objective criteria — will you support relicensing and going forward with an expired nuclear power faciilitly in 2012apply your brilliantly informed critical thinking skills

About Caoimhin Laochdha

Central Vermont life-long civil liberties activist. I offset my carbon footprint by growing my own energy and riding my bicycle at least 8 months of the year. Every election cycle, since Gerald Ford's social promotion to the Oval Office, I've volunteered for at least one Democratic presidential campaign that ultimately finished in second (or lower) place.